A New Chile is possible: CHDI Solidarity Network of Chileans Abroad joins the Popular Constituent Assembly

Lanzamiento de la APC en Plaza Dignidad

Today, November 15th 2020, a year after the majority of the political parties signed an agreement behind closed doors without representatives of the social movement that had demanded changes into the chilean social-economic models. Chile Despertó Internacional, is an organization of Chileans around the world, will join and participate in the process of the Popular Constituent Assembly, a space in which different civil society organizations Read more

IT’S NO LONGER ENOUGH TO VOTE! The Campaign by Chilean Communities Abroad denouncing their Exclusion from the Electoral Process

Wednesday, June 10th, 2020

Source: Cabildo Berlín Chile

The awareness of the significance of civic participation abroad has been growing and with it a sensitivity about the restrictions imposed on it for those living outside of Chile. We have started to feel like people with second class civil rights, because we’ve been marginalized from the right to choose or to be chosen as constituents. Thus, the campaign: “It’s no longer enough to vote!” by ChDI was born.


  • Sebastian Boye (Mannheim, Alemania)
  •      Marisol Torres (CDMX, México)
  •      Betzabeth Marín-Nanco (España, Barcelona)
  • Trad. Zainab Ebrahimi (NY, Estados Unidos)

Do those of us living abroad have the right to participate in the electoral process? For those of us living outside of Chile, this question has been making its rounds in conversations with friends and family, but also in organizations and collectives we have formed in cities around the globe. Usually, the answer is “Yes, we want to participate. We have the right, because we also dream of a different Chile, we can return to one day!”. However, the prospect of being able to participate in the electoral process has clear obstacles and limits. Read more

Water in dispute: Chilean private property over the basis of life

On World Water Day, ChDI offers an article on the current state of property and future directions for equitable and sustainable use.


Sunday March 22, 2020

Alejandra Parra Muñoz[i]


We are water. Around 65% of the human body is made up of water. Everything we eat requires water for its development. The sea jellyfish is 99% water, while that fish is 65-80% water.  The water content in plants is about 70%. In other words, water is not only vital for humans, it is vital for all living things on the planet.

Although three-quarters of the planet is covered by water, only 2% of is fresh water. From this 2%, a smaller percentage is available for human consumption. However, there has been an abundance of fresh water on the planet for tens of thousands of years. The existence of a stable climate, large extensions of forests, and a synergetic relationship between humanity and the environment, have led to the maintenance of these beneficial conditions for the life development. But since the industrial revolution half of the forests have been cut down and the atmosphere has been modified resulting that climate has undergone enormous changes. Today, seasons are blurred; the rains have been compressed in Read more

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