Fourth bulletin of the Human Rights Committee of the ChDI network: Chile and the Political Prison

In Chile, There Is Political Prison
The Human Rights committee from the ChDI Network presents its fourth newsletter dedicated to the political prisoners of the revolt.

In this edition the situation of prisoners in the context of the social revolt is thematized from different sides, in order to denounce from the international territory how our companions continue to be imprisoned for demanding more justice in Chile.
With the participation of observers of Human Rights and with organizations of relatives and friends of PP, you can find in this edition:
Editorial: Violence in Chile does not stop.
“Why to talk about political prison in Chile?”
“The Santiago Periphery and the Human Rights Movement”
“Draft Law of General Pardon. Towards the Freedom of the Young People and Workers Imprisoned during the Revolt”
Share and spread, Until dignity becomes a habit!

Download pdf here: 2021.202.28_Newsletter – Comité DDHH (final)