Sixth bulletin of the Human Rights Committee of the ChDI network: Constituent Process and “democracy” in Chile

“Constituent Process and “democracy” in Chile”

We share with you the VI bulletin of the Human Rights Committee of our Network.

In this edition we invite various organizations to analyze the constituent process, under the current context where human rights violations have not ceased

• Agrupación de familiares y amigos de prisioneros políticos Guacoldas
• Coordinadora por la libertad de Emilio
• Coordinadora por la libertad de lxs prisionerxs políticxs 18 de octubre
• Víctor Llanquileo Pilquimán preso político mapuche
• Comité Distrito Internacional Red Chile Despertó Internacional

Thanks to all the groups that participated. A special greeting to the more than 2,500 people kidnapped by the Chilean State in prisons. We cannot continue advancing in the constitutional process as long as they continue to violate, maim, torture, imprison and murder us.

#BastaDeCriminalizarLaProtesta #NoEstamosTodxsFaltanLxsPresxs
#LibertadATodxsLxsPresxsPolíticxs #LibertadALosPresosPolíticosMapuche #ChileDespertóInternacional
#BastaDeMontajes #ACAB #EnChileSeViolanDerechosHumanos #EstadoTerrorista
#NuevaConstitución #ProcesoConstituyente #PuebloOrganizado


Download pdf here: 2021.04.25_Newsletter – Comité DDHH v.1