Fifth newsletter of the Human Rights Committee of the ChDI network: Feminisms and their fights

“Feminisms and their fights”

We share with you the V bulletin of the Human Rights Committee of our Network.

This edition was focused on the defense of human rights, from feminist fights. Various organizations in Chile shared their feelings and demands for this 8M:

• Red de Docentes Feministas
• Comité Migrante Coordinadora Feminista 8M
• Movimiento Postnatal de Emergencia
• Movimiento de pobladorxs Vivienda Digna
• Red Chilena de Salud Mental Perinatal
• Red Nacer Madre
• Colectiva Anticarcelaria Pájarx Entre Púas
• Asociación Nacional de DD.HH 18 de octubre
• Colectivo de acompañamiento a mujeres que abortan: Mujeres Contigo
• Corporación ParirNos
• ONG Dignificando al adultx mayor Arica
• Red Feminista Chilenxs Migrantes

Thanks to all the groups that participated. Greetings to all of them and to all women and generic sex dissidents who day by day fight for a life of dignity and free from violence. Special greetings to the family and friends of Ángela González, a young combatant who was brutally murdered in the day of fight, resistance and memory on March 29. For you and for all the comrades assassinated and violated by the Terrorist State of Chile we will continue in the fight.

#VivasYLibresNosQueremos #NuncaMásSinNosotras #ElEstadoNoNosCuidaNosCuidanNuestrasAmigas #NiUnaAsesinadaMás #EstadoFemicida #AbortoLibre #NoMásSENAME
#BastaDeCriminalizarLaProtesta #NoEstamosTodxsFaltanLxsPresxs
#LibertadATodxsLxsPresxsPolíticxs #LibertadALosPresosPolíticosMapuche #ChileDespertóInternacional
#BastaDeMontajes #ACAB #EnChileSeViolanDerechosHumanos #EstadoTerrorista


Download pdf here: 2021.03.31_Newsletter – Comité DDHH v.5